by Bee Bloeser
This book by Bee Bloeser about her family’s part in the eradication of the smallpox virus is very timely with the spread of COVID-19 around the world. Bee’s son is currently a volunteer with StreetLightUSA and he and his sister feature prominently in this book that has been described as riveting, historically important and revealing. In 1969, when many nations worked together to banish smallpox, the author’s husband was sent to West Africa, initially to Nigeria. She and their two children follow him and this book is a memoir of a frontline education in embracing other cultures, diplomatic goodwill, the challenges of poverty, and the power of countries working together. Charles is one of Bee’s two children that she mentions in her book. Charles is a retired attorney who is currently volunteering with the StreetLightUSA Development Team.